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Swiss Crypto Stamp 4.0

The Basic Edition of the Swiss Crypto Stamp 4.0 goes on sale at 7.30 a.m. on 24 April 2024. It consists of 24 dif-ferent versions in a limited edition of 7,500 copies each and costs CHF 9.90.  

The Special Edition of the Swiss Crypto Stamp 4.0 consists of six different versions. The issue ranges from 50 to 1000 copies at different prices.

You can now combine the NFTs of the Basic and Special Editions with a wallpaper. The Wallpaper Edition of the Swiss Crypto Stamp 4.0 consists of 12 different versions in a limited issue of 1500 copies each and will be sold at a price of CHF 19.90.

Find out more:    

Crypto Spamp 4.0

Swiss Crypto Stamp 4.0

Swiss Crypto Stamp 4.0 Special Edition

Swiss Crypto Stamp 4.0 Wallpaper Edition

Further Crypto Stamps (Edition 3.0)
